Election post


Hi everyone! 

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Jacopo, and I am a second year Natural Sciences student. I am also current LUSL captain. 

I would like to run again for captain for a number of reasons:

1) The most obvious: I have already done the job. I know what is required and the "weekly routine" of being LUSL captains. By being elected once more I can help my co-captain (and other committee members) in a smooth day to day running of society. 

2) I care about the team: going to Sunday trainings this year is always a highlight of my week. Seeing all members of the team, getting to know them better and playing tennis with them is always great fun. I want to be captain again because of the people who make the team.

3) I have loved creating a welcoming atmosphere in the team. I feel like everyone enjoyed hitting on Sundays, and enjoyed coming to socials every Wednesday. Next year, I want to focus on this even more. Not only do I want us to do well in matches and have good trainings, I like for my team to enjoy coming to trainings so next year I will again focus most of my time on team spirit, work with my co-captain to achieve our goals.

I have proved that I can be a good captain. I can work well in a pair, but also in a larger group of people, helping in the successful organising of trials, trainings and matches. I want to keep up with this good work next year, and build upon the foundations that I have laid down this year.