Election post


l​ am standing to continue the good work done this year and use my own experiences to captain the team in a way that I believe would be best. Having played on the BUCS teams this year, I know what is expected of a captain and their duties and this is something I am confident I can do. From a team viewpoint I would like to do more team socials in whatever form that may be in order to promote a team ethos and encourage the players to commit to practices and matches which will also improve team camaraderie. Having been a part of the society for the past year I have met many of the people within the society and would be confident whoever is elected for the other positions I would be able to liaise with them including with the other captains to organise events. From a society viewpoint I would greatly encourage the team to come to the Wednesday socials so they can be better connected to the society and its members and this would have the knock on effect of making the society itself much more integrated.