Election post


Hello! I am Myra and I am running for President at TechSoc. I was the treasurer and I hope to continue to organise interesting events for members and grow TechSoc in the upcoming year as the president. In the past year, I have arranged funds to give out free merch (Cups & Totebags) and meals (Pizza!), sorted out the catering and prize (Money!) for Porticode 5.0 and obtained sponsorship funds with the Sponsorship Director to make sure TechSoc is sustainable! I took part to make sure all events and the back-end administration run smoothly, I hope you enjoyed those events and being a part of TechSoc! If elected, I will:

  1. Host our flagship Hackathon (again but better!). With the experience of hosting Porticode and the feedback from participants, I'll make sure next year's hackathon gonna be better than ever! I would make sure it suits different skill levels while still being challenging and interactive! 
  2. Organise regular workshops and events with sponsors. There'd be Python, SQL, API workshops for the fundamental skills and sponsors-led events where you can learn more about the company, recruitment process, skills they value to boost your employability!
  3. Have consistent socials! With our huge success of TechSoc picnic & pub night, I would like to create more of these casual gatherings where members can meet each other and make friends.

Thanks for reading till here :) If this resonates with you, I would really appreciate it if you could vote for me!