Election post


Hey there! My name is Jason, a first year studying medicine and I am standing to be your table tennis club treasurer.

Growing up in Hong Kong, I really enjoyed table tennis and I have been playing since I was 5. Despite living here for a few years where table tennis isn’t as popularised, my love for table tennis has never dwindled. As your treasurer, I aim to allocate funds in a sustainable way, primarily towards regular social events and merchandises in order to foster a harmonious environment where members can learn, share, and bond together. I also promise to secure venues for weekly training sessions and to actively seek for sponsorships. Having past experiences as a mentor, founder of a society and a prefect in sixth form, I believe I possess the necessary skills to bring forward for the society, eg. Time management, leadership, and communication. If elected, I shall do all I can to help the society flourish.

Thanks for your support!