Election post


Hey everyone! I am Danilo and I would love to be the Vice President of the Swiss Society! I am extremely interested in the Swiss culture and languages. One key thing that I want to do for the society next year is to collab with the newly created Endangered Languages Society to provide Romansh lessons as part of the society, so that UCL students get the chance to learn the language. This would ensure that the language continues to circulate and thus will help protect it from becoming extinct. I have been part of the Swiss Society committee this year as the Treasurer and have organised several events and collabs with other societies, and thus this experience makes me suitable to be the Vice President next year. Next year I hope to set up a lot more events, such as speed-friendings (and maybe Speed dating?), movie nights, more pub nights, collabs with other unis and much more! I have been part of a lot of societies this past year and thus I have made many connections which I will use to organise amazing collab events with other societies next year ? I also will help the welfare officer as much as I can to ensure that all members feel happy and safe in the society, and help to find specific resources regarding to Switzerland. I also am planning to create a possible penpal system for students to connect with other students in Switzerland, and help potentially plan a trip there! I want to help make the Swiss Society the most enjoyable it can be! :)