Election post


My name is Berkay Bilik and I am a first-year Mathematics student. Chatting to members of both the competitive and fitness squads throughout my time in the swimming team made me realise that there are many issues that I, as the Treasurer, could solve such as the over-subscription of the trainings for the fitness squad. This problem, for example, could be solved by a deposit system to prevent no-shows taking up booking space. I would also increase the budget for socials to create more opportunities for both teams to bond because at the end of the day, what makes trainings fun is suffering through the sets with your friends. There would be a dedicated "competitive support" budget to enhance the competitive spirit in swim meets against other universities to buy items like purple-blue face paint, whistles, food etc. Alongside all these, I will be promoting a more-data driven approach to decision-making within the committee to make decisions that benefit the most and the way to do this goes through getting to know our members, their swimming backgrounds and their expectations from a university swimming club. To achieve this I would be working closely with the captains to monitor progress in the teams and preparing regular polls for swimmers to self-reflect on their progress.