Election post


Throughout the past year I have really enjoyed being a part of the UCL fitness squad. I would love to be able to further my role and give something back to the team. As a friendly and supportive face, it would be great to help everyone become the best swimmers that we can be.

Whilst having swum competitively for eight years, I also have a wealth of coaching experience. I was a netball captain and Deputy Head Girl during Sixth Form, and I also mentored students from all over the world during covid.

It would be great to make some improvements such as trying to find different pools where more of the team can train, alongside creating workout sets to complete outside of the pool to maintain overall fitness.

I would hope to be an approachable, motivated and dedicated individual, always willing to listen to the squad's suggestions and welcome new members. I would love to see the squad's skills progress further, but most importantly for everyone to enjoy swimming! :)