Election post


Shadowing Neurosurgeons and Orthopaedic surgeons from an early change ignited in me an ever-strengthening passion and fascination for surgery. I would relish the opportunity to spread inspiration for surgery throughout UCL and strive to commit myself to the growth of the society on an international level.

Having served the role of President and VP for UCL Malayali Society and VP for UCL Punjabi Society over the last 2 years, I have been involved in running many weekly and large scale events, gaining an in-depth understanding in leading a diversity of events efficiently. I seek to not only continue the legacy set by my predecessors but innovate upon them. Being part of the UCL Medical Society Pre-Clinical Education Subcommittee 2020/21 was very insightful in learning the values that drive top quality medical education.

I will strive to:

  • Uphold and innovate upon the legacy of iNUGSC, bringing in speakers from a wider variety of specialties
  • Conduct more in-person Medicine & Anatomy tutorials for all years
  • Build upon relationships I have built with surgeons over the last year through my attendance at various national surgical conferences around multiple universities, to conduct events for the society henceforth
  • Drive greater intra-society collaboration between branches of the society
  • Collaborate with other Surgical societies in London to increase mutual access and attendance at events