Election post


Hi everyone,

I’m Amaani and I would love to be Preclinical Rep.

I have gained so much from SurgSoc over the past few years, and I would really like to play a role in ensuring others have the chance to get involved and learn from all the insightful resources and learning opportunities that this fantastic society has to offer. To raise awareness amongst the preclinical years I would work closely with the media officers and also like to create specific groups within Years 1/2 to connect students who share a common interest in surgery. I believe this would not only increase engagement but also increase support amongst peers and create a strong sense of community.

Through my role in the SurgSoc Education Committee this year, I have been giving tutorials to younger years and have learnt a lot about the best ways to promote and organise events. I will definitely be able to use these skills as Preclinical Rep, whilst using what I have learnt about what works and what doesn’t, in the role. One issue that has been emphasised to me is how helpful it can be to have a place to direct questions to. In this regard, I hope to be a point of contact and also to provide a question form on the Linktree which will always be open and that I can use to communicate effectively, answering any questions that are raised.

I am very keen to get lots of people involved and I feel confident that I will work well as part of the SurgSoc team next year.

I hope I have your vote!