Election post


Hello, I’m Aishwarya and I’m a second year medical student. UCL Surgical Society has been invaluable in my exploration and understanding of a career in surgery and I would love to do the same for others, particularly for paediatric surgery. As I will be intercalating in Surgical Sciences next year, I would be able to fully involve myself and dedicate my time, whilst further building a network of contacts as Paediatrics Surgery Chair. 


If elected Paediatric Surgery Chair, I would aim to:

  • Collaborate with regional and national paediatric surgical societies to host events 
  • Host a conference in collaboration with UCL paediatrics society and MedSoc Paediatric subcommittee, helping students to understand the overlaps between the specialties
  • Increase awareness on ethical issues in paediatric surgery - there is very little, if any, exposure to paediatrics, let alone paediatric surgery and related ethical issues until much later in medical school. 
  • Increase exposure to paediatric surgery through increasing social media presence


My experiences:

  • INUGSC Workshops Coordinator 2022
  • Treasurer of UCL Jain society 
  • Volunteering for an adolescent health service
  • Part of an RCPCH action group


Paediatric surgery needs a lot more exposure within medical school. With my ideas, experiences and influence, I believe I can successfully ensure paediatrics surgery reaches medical students' radar.