Election post


Salaam! My name is Tasmin and it would be a huge honour to be elected as the next Welfare Officer of Sudanese society!

Like many others would agree, Sudanese society has become a family away from our own. Being half- Sudanese, it was an incredible feeling to be somewhere I belonged and that feeling was emphasised through our current welfare officer, Lanna. I would see her greeting everyone, welcoming attendees and always smiling. Seeing her warmth inspired me to run for this role this academic year.

Sudanese society has helped me grow closer to my culture. I have become a louder voice for the injustice happening not only in Sudan but throughout the world. I am proud to be sudanese. This is do to with not only the people in the society but also the events that the current team have made for us; they have been educational and inspirational. I aim to continue this next year and with the help of the society members, Sudanese society will grow every term.

Being the welfare officer means I will be your listener. I will:

  • Ensure every event is inclusive for everyone.
  • Welcome and encourage all students to every event, no matter your background and nationality.
  • Listen to feedback from events to ensure everyone enjoys them.
  • Always be a friendly face at UCL that you can talk to about anything, anytime.

I hope I can have your vote! Thank you for reading :)

With my love,
