Election post


Hi! I'm Clementine, a second year Philosophy, Politics and Economics student, and I'm running for President for next year. I am very passionate about the homeless cause, and I am really committed to helping homeless people as much as possible.

I have joined the society as Treasurer this year and I am incredibly happy and proud of the work we have accomplished with the committee. We have organised in-person pub quizzes, fundraising events, speaker events as well as a research project.

I would love to carry on this work next year! I would like to focus on three main areas. First, I want to develop the volunteering branch of the society, to make sure that our members can easily get involved in one-off or regular volunteering opportunities. Second, I wish to raise awareness about the cause of homeless people more broadly through more partnerships with other societies and more events open to non-members. Finally, I aspire to create a better sense of community between our members by having more regular events and better communication.

I hope to have the opportunity to become more involved in the society as the President next year!