Election post


I am running for Welfare Secretary because I hope to ensure that UCL Squash remains a safe and inclusive environment for all. Having only participated sporadically in my first year due to covid, it was so nice finally being able to join the women's team this year and actually meet everyone properly. I was struck by how welcoming everyone was and have thoroughly enjoyed the camaraderie that has come with being part of a group. I would love the opportunity to get others involved and have a few priorities in mind.

Firstly, I aim to maintain a supportive and respectful environment for members to improve and have fun. I hope to instil a level of friendly yet healthy competitiveness across all levels and to set up a framework for members to teach, encourage and help each other out.

I also wish to promote women's participation in squash. This was the first year we saw so many girls show up to trials and I hope the club continues along this trajectory. Gender barriers and discrimination will not stand, and I promise to be there for anyone who encounters any issues in this regard.

Overall, I aim to act as a point of contact for anyone who may have concerns relating to any inappropriate behaviour, or simply just as a friendly presence in the day-to-day goings of the club. The overall welfare of the club is extremely important and I will do my best to safeguard against any issues. I am always open for a chat and I hope you will trust me with this role.