Election post


As a frequent attender of Social Squash, I’ve come to greatly enjoy the atmosphere created by all of its members. Going forward I would like to aid in further advancing the Social Squash community, which I would describe as welcoming regardless of skill level, challenging and a place where anyone can have a good time for a couple of hours.

I have been captain of my school’s squash team, as well as the founder of Her Future London, a charity focused on improving financial literacy for low income and minority women, that was born out of a competition held by Faiths Forum London.

My involvement in both has enabled me to develop a wide range of skills. Specifically, time management and organisational abilities due to having coordinated large groups of people. These roles have also allowed me to see the importance of working in a team setting. In this position, I would aim to continue the good work of the previous Social Squash secretaries, and would be dedicated to finding a range of new activities for members of Social Squash that we can do as a collective.

My involvement in social squash has already been seen through my encouragement of new members to join and become involved in the sport. Notably this term I have introduced 4 new people to Social Squash. Throughs these means, I would hope to aid in the continued growing of the social squash community in the role of Social Squash Secretary.