Election post


Hi I'm Oliver and I'm running for Marketing Officer. Having gone through the difficult but exciting process of finding societies to join during my first year at UCL, I appreciate the importance of a responsible Marketing officer who reliably provides all the necessary information on their society. For this reason, I believe strongly in the importance of this role. As someone who hadn't played squash before coming to university, I have a good idea of the kind of information that should be supplied to members via social media platforms. My extensive experience with social media platforms should equip me well for this role. Essentially, I hope to build upon the work of the last squash committee, to help improve what is already an extremely exciting and impressive society. Frequent communication with other committee members will also be key to my role as Marketing Officer, since members of the society deserve to receive all the necessary information on the society well in advance of any deadlines or key dates. In addition to my fundamental responsibilities as Marketing Officer, I hope to make the most of the opportunity, by going above and beyond the responsibilities listed in the role description. For instance, polls on social media would help determine the thoughts of squash members, in order to bring about further sustained improvement in the society.