Election post


Hi, I’m Ellen. I’ll be in my 4th year at UCL next year, having been a member of the society and the skit team for the past 3 years. I’ve especially enjoyed this past year in Snowsports because of the fun and friendly environment. It feels like a little family, everyone is really welcoming and getting involved has been great. That’s why it was an easy decision for me to run for ski captain this year.

I have a lot of experience with slalom racing as I raced in secondary school, and in both my first and third year at UCL. I’ve come to all races this year (asides from when I had covid) and been an active member of the team. It’s safe to say I have a good grasp on how the races work and what it takes to be a good captain. I’m also a qualified ski instructor, so have a lot of exercises and ideas to share with the team.

Aims as captain:

- Increase the technical exercises during training sessions to make us pro skiers.

- New equipment. Ideally, some new dry slope skis though a few new pairs of poles would definitely be useful, especially since the consistent trainings have seen a lot of people learn to cross block. This would also ease the ruthless fight for poles at races… 

- Ski sharpening before races to give us the extra edge.

- More joint border and ski trainings.

- Maintain a friendly, fun and welcoming ski team

- Retain our title as reigning women’s southern champions!!!!