Election post


I truly believe in the importance of Singsoc in providing a sense of community for Singaporeans by creating opportunities for us to meet, interact, and lean on one another.

Coming to London places us in a completely new intimidating environment, and speaking to people who can easily relate to you is so valuable. From meeting my orientation group and singsoc family to Lo Hei-ing at the top of my lungs at the Chinese New Year dinner, participating in Singsoc-led initiatives has granted me a sense of comfort and belonging that I’m endlessly grateful for.

As house captain and a member of the student council in JC, I have the experience and skill required to organise events effectively. In tandem, my passion for Singsoc will push me to give nothing short of my 100% for this society. (I’ve also been told that my voice is comforting because I sound like a Singaporean aunty… bonus points?)

If given the valuable opportunity, I will improve the society by pushing out more opportunities for members to socialise through smaller-scale interest-based activities and collaborations with UCL Asian societies and other universities’ Singapore societies. Furthermore, I aim to improve on the line of communication and feedback between members and the committee, to ensure constant initiation and execution of events that truly interest and benefit members.