Election post


Hello! I’m Dimitra and I’m an undergraduate Biomedical Sciences student. I moved to the UK from Greece when I was 16 to do A levels, so I know what it’s like feeling homesick and lonely. I don’t have any former experience as a committee member, but I’m always happy to help people out. Whether you need to chat or a shoulder to cry on you can rely on me! I’m also familiar with the mental health and wellbeing support offered at UCL and so I can help navigate askUCL, apply for SoRA and just give general advice. I’ve been a part of this society for almost a year now and I have never felt more welcomed within a group of people. The whole society’s mindset is set around making people feel comfortable, trying new things with no judgement and overall having fun! I’d love to be able to officially contribute into maintaining this atmosphere and helping you throughout the year.