Election post


Hi, I’m Koon Li. I’m running for President of UCL School of Pharmacy Society for the academic year 2022-2023. 

Serving as welfare officer this year has made me realise the diverse needs of our students. Some like parties ? Some like chill gathering ? Some like academic debates ? Some like merchandises ? We are all different and that makes us who we are as one of the oldest pharmacy student bodies in the U.K. Therefore, I propose the following: 

Monthly speed-friending- get to know each other more 

Quiz night vs Professors- a tradition challenging our academics before they challenge us in exams 

Expanding merchandise- this year we have hoodies (btw as reminder it will be coming in 2 weeks time) but we need more! What’s cooler than laptop bags, tote bags, water bottles showing UCL pride to others (e.g. King’s students ?)

Conference trips- UCL has been underrepresented in BPSA in recent years. It’s time for us to claim back our seat ?! Sending our ambitious students to annual conferences and shaping future pharmacy education

Boat party- Continue the success of this year boat party, making the most of our uni life 

Career fair- Connecting with alumni and explore what pharmacy can guide us to

More yet to come!

It was an honour to serve all of you this year. I look forward to serving all of you again in the coming year! 

Diversity makes Unity!