Election post


Pre Clin Education Officer


Year 1

-          Transition mentor styled tutorials

o   Ensure Year 1s have point of contact in club

o   Tutorials on FHMP, and general medical school advice

-          Assign module leads for each Year 1 module

o   Establish point of contact for each module

o   Provide advice/tutorials for each module

-          Academic surgery pathway tutorial


Year 2

-          Assign module leads for each Year 2 module

o   Establish point of contact for each module

o   Provide advice/tutorials for each module

-          Contact list of senior members and their iBSc

o   Help in choosing iBSc

o   Assist in writing personal statement

-          Academic surgery pathway tutorial


Year 3

-          Contact list of senior members and their iBSc

o   Provide help and advice on respective iBSc

-          Project management tutorials

o   Timeline

o   Presentation

o   Dissertation write up