Election post



I've got a lot out of the klub this year, and, after a limited contribution as Fresher Rep, it's now time to give back. The other day, at the curry house, I ordered a lamb biryani (a rice dish), which meant I didn't have to buy rice to go with it. This enabled me to buy a peshawari naan, effectively at no extra cost. Just imagine if this piercing monetary awareness is applied to the full financial arsenal of the klub. Nevermind a peshawari naan, I'll buy the whole f******g restaurant. It's for this reason that I should be your next MoK. 

I have sizeable shoes to fill. However, bound by close ties of family and cricket purism, I am confident I'll have Callum's continued guidance throughout this journey. This guidance will help me to realise my grand ambitions for the klub. I plan on raising significant revenue through the tactful, compassionate, but absolute enforcement of membership fees. I can be very persuasive when necessary. This revenue will be supplemented by savvy fiscal policies, notably the termination of Chris. I am aware that next year's promotion will likely entail longer away journeys, so I'm sure this money will be useful in providing coach travel wherever possible (and cans for the way back). Vote for me to keep MoK in the right hands...

Much love, 
