Election post


The Klub now must kick on. Despite a fantastic kore membership base built following disaffiliation, we lack the infrastructure of more established sports klubs required to hold serious legitimacy around the UCL kommunity. Through rigourous development, I aim to ensure that our esteemed Klub has key resources to fully optimise the opportunities for its members, and ultimately instil ourselves as an integral society at UCL: one that Fresh flock to, and one that is envied across the UK.

One aspect of this would be the kuration of a Klub website for members and alumni to keep up-to-date with news and results. Such infrastructure is, when used effectively, an asset to many other well-run Klubs and I see no reason why ours should not follow suit.

Additionally, I will work to ensure that the Klub kan achieve a Students' Union Club Development Award, which will no doubt give us some Union klout which has, in the past, been a barrier to development. This Award has kriteria related to Socials, Volunteering, Fundraising, and much more, and will require kollaboration with Klubmen throughout the Kommittee. My previous experience within the Kommittee has provided me with a good understanding of all the aspects of which they are in kharge, improving khances of successful kooperation.

If you have any questions about my plans for the Klub, please do not hesitate to kontact me on Facebook