Election post


I have been a regular member of the UCL rugby club for the last two years, dedicating my Wednesdays to the sport every week. I have played in every 2nd team game available this year, playing a key role as one of the few senior members in the team. I have been the stand in captain on numerous occasions, representing the club when communicating to the opposing team and referee. I am passionate about the club and have incredibly enjoyed the role that I have had within the team this year. As such I would like to be the 2nd XV captain for the upcoming season. I have had experience captaining teams in sixth form and believe that I am a great fit to instil the UCL rugby traditions for new and keen members of the club that will be joining us in September. A priority for next year will be to ensure that the standard of rugby played will be high, ensuring that key moves/calls/tactics are known across the entirety of the team to ensure that we can place highly within the BUCS league. Additionally, this role is much more than the sport it self. The social aspects of game day is one that people look back upon when they leave University, therefore a focus towards the social environment of the team will be applied to make sure that Wednesday afternoons are peoples' highlight of the week.