Election post


Heyo Romanian & Moldovan friends!

After 2 amazing years being part of the RoSoc committee, in 2020 as First Year Representative and in 2021 as Treasurer, I am happy to say that our network as a society has grown exponentially. It has been a pleasure organising events and meeting so many of you in the socials we have done in these post-COVID times.

Therefore, I am standing for the President of the Romanian & Moldovan Society for the next year! I know this position will allow us to grow even stronger and push new boundaries for events and new support for our wonderful community at UCL!

Some initiatives that I have in mind for the next year: More socials outside of UCL Bars, Food events as well as a series of Career and Cultural focused meetups. That's just a few to mention :)

Don't forget to put up your vote!

Your dear,
