Election post


Over the last year Rare FM has again become a fully fledged society that boosts over 150 members, provides its DJ's and presenters with exciting opportunities and links students to professional media outlets. This is despite change and issues that we have overcome, including burglary of our equipment and finding a new studio. If I am president again, I have three priorities for the station.

I aim for Rare to become a more social society. This will include continuation of our out 'Rare Cuts' nightclub events, but an increase to the number and frequency of lower-scale socials. I hope that this will strengthen our sense of community alongside increasing collaboration between shows.

I aim for Rare to increase the frequency and quality of its outputs in respect of our night-club events and our music publication Under City Lights. I would promote initiatives which encourage participation including reimbursement for concerts around London for article writers, and ensure that our events continue to boost a diverse group of DJs and showcase a larger range of talents and musical styles.

I aim finalise the position of Rare FM at UCL. Due to the burglary and issues with access, the location of the studio is in some doubt. Finding a permanent location without access issues is a priority  and, if elected, I will ensue both that the studio does not move again, and work closely with the studio manager to get it back to its former glory.