Election post


Entering my first Kaggle competition last month, I gained some great insights. Not only did I build on my machine learning knowledge greatly through practical experience, but I also learned about the importance of fostering a welcoming and inclusive culture to any society — particularly with one so niche as the Quant Society. Despite my limited experience, I was welcomed into a team where I was not judged, but instead given the opportunity to learn. Because of this, I want to become the Welfare Officer for the UCL Quant Society.

If elected, I hope to continue encouraging an environment where individuals of all skill level can participate. I also hope to promote the spreading of knowledge and resources to help those interested learn the fundamentals of programming and machine learning, all to promote accessibility within this field. I will achieve this by working with the committee to ensure that enough workshops are being hosted for members of all backgrounds. I will also push for a resource bank to allow anybody to expand on their knowledge. 

Last year, I volunteered at EnhanceAble, an NGO which provides respite care for disabled people. I learned to organise activities that would engage the whole group and also gained key experience in safeguarding individuals, both of which will help me substantially in this role. 

Overall, I believe my plethora of experiences will allow me to succeed as the next Welfare Officer for the UCL Quant Society.