Election post


With its strong sense of inclusivity and genuine care for the members, the Psychology and Education Society was one of the best societies I joined this year, making me want not to miss a single event. As a Psychology with Education student myself, I am keenly intrigued by both disciplines, and it has been a truly great experience for me to have open-hearted conversations with like-minded people. The discussions during the events broadened my perspectives on psychology and education in many ways, and the fact that everyone was able to express their thoughts unconstrained was incredible. For this very reason, I am nominating for a treasurer position to become a part of this amazing community and hopefully make my own contribution in PES reaching out to more and more students in the coming year. In terms of my suitability for this role, I hope that my background knowledge in A Level Business Studies would assist me in managing society’s finance and my willingness to work in teams would enable me to communicate with the society members effectively. Lastly, I would like to say that it would mean a lot to me to contribute to the continuity of the great job the PES has been doing in bringing together people from different backgrounds and disciplines and spreading the knowledge on an exciting intersection of psychology and education.