Election post


Moving to London for my 1st year of uni has been really tough for me, when I arrived here in September, I was over 100 miles away from anyone I cared about. However, I found my home here with the Pokemon society! This group of people have made my 1st year of university far better than I could have imagined and have been a crucial part of my mental well-being; If I can help current or future society members fell the same way I do, I'll be over the moon. Because of this, I am running for your Welfare Officer to continue to create this sense of community already established.

I have experience in welfare related fields, I have done many charity events for mental health research, kick-started a wellness campaign on a worldwide discord server and recieved informal CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy, get your minds out of the gutter) training from my A-level psych teacher

I hope you guys consider me so I can continue to make pokesoc a safe and enjoyable place to be!