Election post


I like to think of myself as quite a reserved person, however, if you ask anyone at pokesoc they will most certainly tell you otherwise. I got into Pokemon as a very young child when my cousins and I won a bootleg Pokemon game CD at an arcade. I grew up the last 16 years of my life playing it and more importantly bonding over the game with my cousins. I wish for Pokemon and Pokesoc to provide a similar environment for any newcomers!

As you all already know, I'm an active member of the society, both online(as is suggested by my omnipresence on the server) and in-person and I feel I would be a great fit for Social Secretary! I feel I do a great job at engaging people and interacting with our community. We could be talking about anything ranging from competitive pokemon battles to [REDACTED](?) and you'll almost always find me at the centre of discourse. I'm not only interested in talking but I'd also be very willing to listen to things people have to talk about and am very open to ideas. 

I'm also an avid memer/meme connoisseur as anyone in pokesoc can attest and I believe a great way to spread morale is through memes, hence my plan for the pokesoc Instagram is to share the very best memes while also actively engaging the community with polls,opinions and even trivia to tingle your grey cells!  You either love me or love me there's no in-between. I look forward to being part of the committee next year and hopefully you do too! Till we meet next year folks.