Election post


Hi everyone! This is John, otherwise known as Realzzz on Discord, and I’m running for Pokémon Society President this year! 

Being welfare officer this past year, I’ve gained an understanding of what makes Pokésoc truly Pokésoc: It’s the community that the society has fostered. No matter Discord or in person, Pokésoc is a community of supportive individuals with a common interest: Pokémon. That is what I believe to be the core of Pokésoc: united through Pokémon but becoming much more. It has continuously been a place where people can relax and enjoy themselves, and I hope that continues next year. 

Being committee, I understand how activities are organized, setting up collabs, and the nitty-gritty of it all. For next year, I’ll build on our current connections with other societies and universities, hosting more collabs with other societies within UCL, as well as hoping to continue with Inter-University stuff, within London and stretching to IUPS (Hopefully LDL is a gateway to more!). Pokémon Go Walks, TCG events, Movie Screenings, Competitive Stuff, Arts & Crafts are still on the radar, but I will actively try and bring more events to Pokésoc. 

Following Ro’s footsteps as president will be very difficult, but it’s a challenge that I’m up for, and a goal I would like to achieve. I’m confident that I can bring another wonderful year of Pokémon for everyone, so please vote for me to become President!