Election post


Hi everyone! I'm Manca (I also go by Raki on Slack!), your current Design Officer! It has been an immense privilege to lead our design team, bring to life the articles of our writers, and visions of our artists. I can't wait for everyone to see what we've come up with for our term 2 mag – the design team has truly outdone itself!

I've been with Pi for almost 2 years now, and I'd love to stick around for another one. Working on so many Pi issues, I have the necessary skill set to lead the design team, support writers, and organise and oversee the whole creative process. While I know all the ins and outs of the role now, I also have many exciting design plans for the future. First, I will ensure greater communication between the creative team and the authors, so the design truly reflects the article's intent. Second, I will strive for greater collaboration with other arts-related ucl societies, and for providing even more original artworks and photography in the magazine. Third, I will push the creative boundaries of Pi Magazine and make it truly stand out.

The talent of our writers, artists, and fellow designers, is remarkable, and I'd be honoured to help them realise their potential and make truly unforgettable designs once more.