Election post


Hi I’m Fritz, a first-year medical student! My passion for photography grew since I was at secondary school, which turned into a long-term interest which I genuinely enjoy and am willing to commit time to. I’m currently operating a photography page @friitzz_the_moment, and I was very glad to be awarded 3rd place at the #LoveUCL photo competition in Dec 2021.


As a member of Photo Society, I believe we should establish a stronger emphasis on fundamental photography techniques before we progress on to organising photowalks. Techniques encompass composition, camera settings, equipment, lighting etc. It is when we fully grasp the concept of these techniques can we apply them to the actual scenarios in photowalks, making such workshops essential before the photowalks. Other workshops such as Lightroom & Photoshop editing and film development can also be organised after the photowalks, to encompass the entire process from shooting to post-production in photography. This is because having attended the photowalk at Barbican Observatory and MODO, I learnt how important these techniques can determine how our photos can stand out and how strongly they convey our story. After such workshops, we can also publish our members’ work to motivate them to continue joining. All in all, I firmly believe I am able to handle this role well. Thank you.