Election post


I have been part of PhotoSoc for the last two years and part of the committee for one – I am very passionate about what this society has to offer and love the community of photographers that has grown over the years. Social events will be important in bringing together members of the club in a relaxed setting and I plan to create events that will involve some photography but with socials afterwards, perhaps a Pub Quiz night, picnic in Regent’s Park, meal in Soho or a walk along the canals into Camden followed by lunch in the market. Collaborating with other societies will also inspire more people to take up photography so hopefully PhotoSoc can continue to expand and a greater number of people will pick up a camera. Socials with other clubs, such as UCL MODO, will also enable members to meet a larger number of students at UCL and having themed socials that are voted on by members would also be exciting (they may also provide a mini photoshoot opportunity!). As Social Secretary, I would like to bring the members closer together so that everyone can see each other on a more regular basis, cementing friendships so that everyone has the confidence to contact each other within the club and go out on photowalks or take part in shoots together.