Election post


Salam Everyone! I am Ahmed, you may know me as AJ, a second-year Economics and Business student.

Pakistan Society is one of the most culturally diverse societies of UCL. Having been involved in organising many of the events held by the society this year, notably Boat Party and Pakistan Week, I look forward to being a part of the team again next year, but now as a part of the senior committee.

One of my foremost goals is to take society to new heights by initiating a series of modifications which will be apparent when I takeover. In addition to our existing career workshops, I aim to add a guest session similar to the development forum undertaken by the LSE Pakistan Society. The strategy is also to broaden the event's line-up by including some cross-cultural events in partnership with other South Asian Societies. The goal is to attract not only Pakistanis but all South Asians with similar interests to broaden their knowledge of our diverse culture. In addition to our regular language classes, I also desire to add Dance and Acting classes by recruiting separate officers for both.
As we all know, living away from home, especially as an international student, can be hard at times. Our society will continue to enlighten the cultural essence in your heart. As said before, “It is a family, a home-away-from-home”. As an international myself, I will always be here to listen to your queries about anything, so do not hesitate to reach out. 