Election post


Hello everyone!! I am a second year biological sciences student hoping to be your treasurer 22-23. Serving as general secretary this year enabled me to gain a deep understanding of the needs of Pakistani students at UCL, and how exactly PakSoc can facilitate them. If elected, I hope to

- Have more frequent and varied social events, including but not limited to sporting and career-facilitating events, accessible to both undergrad and postgrad students. 

- More charity-related schemes, with opportunities for society members to create individual proposals for events,

- Indiscriminate inclusivity; representing and raising awareness about different cultures, religions, and ethnicities within the Pakistani community to create a safer space for them at university. 

Thank you for going over my application- the Pakistan society played a great role in facilitating my development at UCL, and I would be honoured and grateful to be enabled to assist others in their journey ((: