Election post


Salam, my name is Anushae Khan and I am running for President of Pakistan Society this year. Some of you may know me as the Media & Marketing Officer for PakSoc this year. As much as I thoroughly enjoyed my work in this position, I believe I am now capable of taking on the responsibility as the President.

This year I have experienced the bright dynamics of PakSoc and what it means to truly celebrate your identity. I have been actively involved in the organisation and execution of all events this year. With the committee, I have worked incredibly hard to bring events catering to PakSoc’s diverse audience, contributing towards creating an affable environment for all.

Being on the committee this year has made me highly aware of the hardships that come along with the gratification of managing such a vibrant society. I have gained first-hand experience in the work ethics of this committee and am aware of the determination required to help PakSoc excel in every way possible. Along with the strengths of this society, I am also conscious of the areas in need of improvement. Some changes I aspire to obtain are: collaborations with more cultural societies, taking welfare initiatives, holding discussions on current social issues faced by Pakistanis as well as those encountered by British Pakistanis and many more.

As the president of PakSoc, I promise to become a vessel through which we, as a society, can prosper towards bettering and outdoing ourselves.