Election post


Hi, I’m Maheem Imran and I’m a second-year Computer Science student. I’m nominating myself for the role of General Secretary for UCL Pakistan Society. I’ve been a committee member of PakSoc for the two years of my university experience at UCL and I can say that there is no other society that I can call home. PakSoc has become a family for me and the reason I want to be part of the committee is so that I can contribute to making PakSoc a home for the rest of you.

I have held the position of media and marketing officer for the last two years where my main responsibility was managing the social media and promoting events but I helped and worked very closely with other committee members to organize events like Pakistan week and Khushamdeed. Therefore I am familiar with the responsibilities of a general secretary.

During my experience at PakSoc, I have learned the importance of effective communication to make a society work. If I am appointed as the general secretary, I will provide better communication between the committee and society members about events and plans. I will be there for all other committee members and will support them in any way I can and I will be committed to bringing more ideas from meeting rooms to reality to make events bigger and better. Thank you for reading my manifesto.