Election post


Salam everyone, I hope you’ve been doing well! I’m Bilal, a second year Economics student.

Whether it’s our mouth watering food, or our crazy love for cricket, my main motivation to join the PakSoc committee is to be given the opportunity to showcase to others everything that our great country has to offer. As a nation, who due to political reasons hasn’t always enjoyed the best reputation, I believe that joining the committee will serve as the perfect chance to educate the over 40,000 students at UCL as to who we truly are as a nation. Joining university can be a daunting experience, since it involves moving away from home for the first time for many of us. Hence, being part of the committee will allow our existing community to remain in touch with their Pakistani roots whilst in London. 

Furthermore, I believe this specific role is ideal as it addresses some of the key issues of our country, which are that of poverty and income inequality. As a result, if elected  I would aim to do the following:

  • Maintain and further develop the relationship between our existing Charity Partner, TPF Foundation.
  • Aim to partner with additional Charity Foundations in Pakistan, and work alongside them to address a range of Philanthropic initiatives including: Education of the underprivileged, as well as poverty alleviation.

Thank you for taking the time to read my manifesto, and please reach out if you have any questions. Take care!