Election post



Hi, I’m Fritz, a first-year medical student! I am running for the Logistics and Events Officer of PCHS. My passion for paediatrics grew when I undertook a volunteering project at a children’s eye centre, where I first felt how paediatrics is the most interesting and holistic speciality while still remaining as a true generalist. This interest is further deepened after attending various talks about child health under COVID and the life of a paediatrician. Being a Target Medicine mentor also equipped me with the teaching skills for younger persons and the communication skills to convey messages to their level of understanding.


As a member of the PCHS, I was, however, discouraged by the lack of events and promotion throughout the year, and the fact that most events are small-scale and online. Thus, I would like to improve on this with my passion for paediatrics by proposing the following objectives.


My objectives are to:

  • Raise greater awareness of child health by posting more frequently on our social media
  • Collaborate with the paediatrics division of Medical Society and Surgical Society to expand our range of talks
  • Organise volunteering to help underprivileged children, reaching out to Origami Volunteering Project if possible

I sincerely hope that these objectives could further promote our values to a wider audience and establish a stronger image in the paediatrics field here at UCL. Thank you.