Election post


Hei kaikki! I’m Eevi, a second year law student from Finland. I’ve had the pleasure of teaching some fellow Nordic enthusiasts Finnish this year and would be honoured if you would choose me to communicate all things Nordic to you next year.

I want Nordic Society to be approachable and feel like a community that is open to everyone regardless of whether you are Nordic yourself or happen to share a passion for everything from kanelbullar to Luciadagen. A big part of that is communications and our online presence, which I believe should reflect Nordic Society’s culture: warm, welcoming and always up for fun.

I really hope that next year we will get to be fully in person and finally be rid of Zoom – I don’t want to jinx it though. But if that is in fact the case, I hope to spice up your email inboxes up with some Moomin content and other Nordic classics and make sure you don’t miss out on any of the great events I’m sure we’ll have lined up for next year.

I am super excited for all things Nordic Society next year and hope you will consider me for the position!

Kiitos and Tack!