Election post


Hey ladies, I’m Sasha and I would love to be your President next year! Covid really put a stop to most netball during my first year, and although second year has gifted us with plenty more netball opportunities, I’d be honoured to get the opportunity to build up UCNC to make it a more diverse and cohesive environment. My aims for the club are:

  • Increase the number of non-drinking socials – such as pottery painting, bowling, and volunteering initiatives
  • Hold more cross-club events – I have already spoken to both Cheer and Pole soc about joint sessions
  • Encourage mixing between competitive and social teams with the introduction of netball families
  • To start the first UCL mixed netball team
  • Encourage growth and diversity within the club whilst maintaining the supportive environment fundamental to UCL’s sporting community

As a TeamUCL Sports Rep, I already have good working relationships with the SU. Through this role I’ve planned and hosted multiple events during TeamUCL Pride week whilst assisting with Varsity preparations, so I am confident in my ability to organise and lead a club of this size.

I also have experience in running trials for my home club, so I know I’d be more than capable of conducting the UCNC trials.

Most importantly, I’m a huge advocate of self-belief, and as President I completely back myself to make the 2022/23 season the best yet. But committee position or not, I can’t wait for another fabulous year of netball!