Election post


Hello lovely netball people!!!! 

Most of you might not know me as I have been pottering around Colombia on my year abroad this year so as a quick intro I am Zoë, I have been bleeding purple with UCNC since 2019, and I was welfare sec in my 2nd year. I would love to be your fitness sec this year and continue contributing to this wonderful club which I have missed so much! 

I am a bit of a fitness weirdo and have done it all from joe wicks and lockdown-running-boredom to weight training (it was a phase) and competitive hurdling. Exercise and fitness are such brilliant ways to care for ourselves both mentally and physically and with busy uni lives in full swing I think it’s extra important to look after yourself! Fitness should be a positive influence and be something that everyone should feel comfortable giving time to. As fitness sec I would want to make sure there’s sessions available for everyone’s standard that actively help our netball abilities as well as add a bit o fun to the week. 

Even if ur morally opposed to the idea of waking up early to run up and down primrose hill (which tbh sounds pretty grim to me too) I cannot wait to see you/meet u all next year!! 

Much purple love, Zo xxxx