Election post


       Namaste, my name is Panusha and I'll be running to become the Vice-President of UCL Nepalese Society. Nepalese society is the one place I feel at home, venturing into the unfamiliar environment of UCL. Being in this society provided me opportunities to socialise with Nepali people across the world; now I consider the members as part of my extended family. My priority as a committee is to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all members, by fostering a strong sense of belonging and community. I believe I'm a suitable candidate for this position because I'm committed in contributing to the Nepalese community and eager to promote our rich cultural heritages to the world. Having experiences in leadership- as both the treasurer maintaining the financial budget and the marketing officer attracting more members through social media- taught me the importance of teamwork in organising effective events, which I plan to further enhance to organise more successful events in the future.