Election post


Namaste, I’m Mansoon& I’m running to be your president for Nepalese Society next year.  As president, I would like to further push our Nepali community, helping us to all stay more connected to the roots our culture, whilst maintaining and building strong relationships with each other throughout the year, in both UCL and London as a whole.

Having been the head-boy and captain for my school’s football team, I believe I have good leadership qualities and many experiences in organising events; listening to everyone’s thoughts and opinions to meet their demands and nullify their concerns.   I also took on the role of the events manager this year, which has helped me to integrate and get to know some of you guys already in this society.  During this year, I have learned the importance of a president and the jobs that that must be fulfilled to run a well-operated society.   Since I’m intercalating next year, I know that I can offer this society a lot of my time and effort to implement new ideas I’ve developed through this year, which I hope I'll have opportunity to be able to share with you all,  if I’m elected as president.

Vote for me and I can promise that this society to be enriched with lots of new exciting events which aren’t basic or generic from every other year!   I look forward to share a fruitful new chapter with all of you in our Nepalese Society and hope have earned your vote to take on this role!