Election post


Being active in the society since year one had provided me with invaluable times with like-minded people. I extremely enjoyed the atmosphere of this society, and would love to help make this society as inclusive as it was. As the treasurer this year, I have helped a lot in the society in terms of finance and internal administration, and enjoyed being a committee member in general, to organise events, discuss new ideas, and help in promotion. With the experience acquired this year, I would love to serve the society again next year as a treasurer. I feel that my experience would help smooth running of the society next year, especially when many of our previous committee members are leaving. In the coming year, apart from managing our finance, I would also love to work with the president and fellow committee members on a few things, including attracting more new members and freshers, establishing more events, series and regular events, and engaging with wider UCL community to enhance awareness towards conservation. I hope that with my previous experience with this society and other societies, I can attract more members for sake of continuation, and help the society establish a better self-running system and event timeline for future committee members, especially noticing many of the members and ex-committee members are soon leaving UCL.