Election post


Hi, I'm Maya Khurana! I'm a 1st-year History and Philosophy of Science student 

I've really enjoyed taking part in MT soc this past year and want to do my best to help make it a great experience in the coming year! As someone who has been involved in theatre (both at UCL and before) as cast, crew, and prod, I have a good idea of what it takes to make shows happen, and as treasurer, I would love to do my part to help MT Soc financially be able to continue to put on such incredible shows, as well as any events in order to bring members of the society together.

Uhhhh I'm not entirely sure what else to say so here are a few (somewhat relevant?) fun facts

  • My favourite musical is Hadestown (to the point where I have managed to sneak it into my argument for a school presentation once)
    • My forever favourite flex will be that I have an Instagram post that was liked by their official account!
  • I once read Les Mis for fun just because I love the show so much (which led to developing an in-depth knowledge of the Paris sewer system and the Battle of Waterloo)
  • I once got 3rd place in a competition for doing math with spreadsheets - which definitely helped develop skills that'll help as treasurer :)
    • I also happen to have a strong love of organization and colour-coded spreadsheets and would be happy to apply said love toward MT Soc's finances

So yeah! Enjoy one of the few MLS photos of me not trying to stifle a laugh and please vote for me!