Election post


Well, this was inevitable wasn't it - HELLO! I'm Kingsley, MT soc's current Technical officer, former Freshers' Rep and if all goes smoothly, hopefully soon to be president. It has been such a joy working with the committee for the last two years and it would be a real honour to spend the next year pushing the society to be the most efficient and enjoyable I know it can be. This being my third application for committee, we all know I'm abysmal at writing so here's just a couple of things I would want to work on over the next academic year:

- Maintaining MT choir and band (possibly introducing committee roles of choir/band director(s)) to ensure that there are non-audition events available giving as many people as possible an opportunity to perform.

- Putting more focus on dance: MT is currently quite focused on Actor/Singers - I would like to introduce frequent choreography/ stretching and conditioning sessions as well as collaborating with other Dance based societies.

- Further socials as one piece of feedback that has been given is simply that people want to get to know people - meet people you shall!

Considering I have a minute to submit this I should probably wrap this up but all I can say is if can do half as good a job as our current president I will be truly happy, to follow in your footsteps would be a joy. Vote Kingsley!!