Election post


Hi everyone! My name is Scarlet and you might have seen me running around the bloomsbury theatre or the IOE when I was an assistant producer for My Lands Shore and Little Women this year. Strangely I've found I love organising things. I've loved being a part of this society this year with all the talented and hard working people here. I'd love to organise more events like open mics and galas, something to get everyone involved and have a fun time. It helps that I know how to set up the tech system too. I'm also keen to keep musical theatre choir and band going next year, it's been a great opportunity for anyone and everyone to sing some fun tunes and perform them too, I'm eager to keep this going.

So vote for me as your events coordinator and you'll be seeing some exciting events on the horizon :)

And yes this is a pic of me waiting patiently for my pizza, and now I'm hungry again *sigh*