Election post


I have really enjoyed my first year in Symphony Chorus this year, and greatly admire the managers' confidence and ability to make people feel as though they belong. I would like to continue this sense of community and enjoyment into next year, as I think the kindness and welcoming atmosphere is one thing that really attracts people to Symphony chorus. 

I am keen to be more involved with the Committee and to help plan rehearsals and concerts (as well as going to the pub afterwards and buying nice biscuits!). I have experience in coordinating people and events and have sung in both professional and amateur choirs, so have experience with bringing a wide range of people together.  

Although I really enjoy Symphony chorus and the repertoire we sing, I would be keen also to broaden our range of music, including some pieces more familiar to the general public, and have more collaboration with the members of the choir as to what we sing, to make it more accessible to a wider range of people. Singing classical music can be daunting to those who haven’t done it before, and it would be great to help more people to join, and discover the enjoyment that comes from singing.