Election post


Hello my musical lovelies! Concert Band has become the time in my week I get to keep up a passion we all share. Making time for rehearsals to play together, catch up with each other (and fight for the last hobnob!) keeps music a part of our busy lives.

To make the most of each week, let’s work together to make these changes:

  • Having your say: I want to open up involvement in decisions with termly repertoire polling and weekly biscuit preference voting!
  • Furthering our playing: diversifying our repertoire with wider-ranging genres whilst structuring our rehearsals by announcing weekly targets will soon have the London Philharmonic worrying about competition!
  • Being a family: let’s get together more for socials and concert trips – one big happy family!

So as your manager, I want to be the one to help with anything. Approaching me with any questions, worries, suggestions or even for a good chat (musical or not) would be a joy – exactly why me, my saxophone and my biscuits am serenading you for your vote!